FAITH - Feeble Answers for Imbeciles
Tyrants and Hypocrites

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed – and hence clamorous to be led to safety – by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
H.L. Mencken
Religionists are fond of saying that God is the answer. A great many people in the industrialised world are waking up to the fact that God is the problem, not the answer. Clearly the God of the Bible and the Koran – the torturing, murdering monstrosity Jehovah/Allah – was fabricated by savages. Jews and Christians refer to him as "Merciful Father," yet his mercies pale into insignificance compared to his atrocities.
And nothing fails like prayer.
Prayers to God go largely unanswered. Of the 2,800 people stranded on the upper levels of the the World Trade Centre on 9/11– most of whom were praying, begging for mercy – how many did God save? Of the millions of third world victims afflicted with God's numerous fatal diseases, how many will he cure? Without man's science, almost all would die. As it is, a small percentage may survive for a while, no thanks to the so-called "God of infinite mercy."
Then we have the imbecile Jesus, the man who cursed a fig tree to death because it refused to produce fruit out of season; the man who boasted that he had come to wreck families and spread discord and hatred; the man who advised his followers to pluck out their eyes and sever their hands; the man who refused to cure a sick child because she wasn't a Jew; the man who ignored the plight of slaves and who upbraided slave-owners for feeding their slaves too early; the man who – in order to treat a mental disorder – cast a man's "demons" into 2,000 pigs and had the pigs commit suicide; the man who condemned most of the world's population to an eternity spent writhing in the flames of hell.

As Robert G. Ingersoll said, "The God of hell should be held in loathing, contempt and scorn. A God who threatens eternal pain should be hated, not loved: cursed, not worshiped. A heaven presided over by such a God must be below the meanest hell."
Unless we wake up to the lie of religion, then the world will perish. A nuclear holocaust is inevitable and imminent. We've got god-fearing Christians and Jews looking forward with gleeful anticipation to so-called "Armageddon" when, according to them, the prophesied messiah will plummet down to earth to set up his thousand year Reich. And we've got god-fearing Muslims convinced that the more chaos, havoc and terror they spread the greater their reward in heaven.

The Jews insist that God promised Israel to them, the Palestinians are equally convinced that he didn't. The USA pours money and armaments into Israel and will continue to do so no matter the cost and the consequences. How many 9/11s will it take before Americans open their eyes to see what's really going on?
Iraq is starting to hurt America. Not the fact that something like 100,000 Iraqi civilians are dead and eight times that many are maimed blinded or burned, not even the fact that more than 2,000 of their own military suckers have been killed, but it's costing money! Never mind the suffering feel the wallet!
And looming on the horizon is Iran. Israel will have a shot at taking out Iran and then the shi-ite will really hit the fan.
There is too much explosive hatred in the world right now and it won't just go away. The hatred will manifest itself in more terrorist attacks, civil war, and before long, chemical and nuclear war.
There needs to be an urgent understanding that this gung-ho "God is on our side" mentality can lead only to a nuclear holocaust and to the destruction of life on this planet. Not in the next century, but soon.
Atheist web sites abound. They are enjoyed by other atheists and nothing changes. I wonder if I can create something that might be enjoyed by the majority of ordinary people who are neither fundamental religionists nor atheists, simply people who don't want to die in a nuclear holocaust.
Darwin Copernicus

The first thing Moses did after receiving the Ten Commandments – the most important of which was Thou Shalt Not Kill – was murder 3,000 innocent people.
The "god" that provided Moses with those Ten Commandments went on to murder countless millions of people. Christians tend to excuse the atrocities by claiming that the victims were "sinners" and therefore they deserved to die.
But the Egyptian "first born" whom god murdered during the "passover" knew nothing of the negotiations between Moses and the Pharaoh. They were innocent victims of a cruel game in which "god" hardened Pharaoh's heart, thus preventing the release of slaves and providing "god" with an excuse to commit mass murder.
Of course, the entire story is nonsense from beginning to end but it's interesting to see how the Bible condemns itself with its hideous boasts and gruesome horror stories.
Darwin Copernicus

"The general population doesn't know what's happening, and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know. They don't even know what's going on at that remote and secret level of decision making. That's a real success in the long-term task of depriving formal democratic structures of any substance."
Noam Chomsky
"The flag is a symbol of the fact that man is still a herd animal."
Albert Einstein
"What good fortune for those in power that people do not think."
Adolf Hitler
Real Wild Church
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